Jul 8Liked by Olivia Vagelos

oh hello, just popping in to your substack for the first time, what a treasure! i love this post so hard! it's so useful to have frameworks like this one. thank you.

it's so wonderful to consider how this static map might flex over time over the course of an experience, and designing with that journey in mind: from a low-energy good vibes teaser at the beginning which tickles curiosity, to even intentionally introducing some bad vibes moments of frustration, tension or disappointment, which could resolve into discovery/surprise, build to a frisky ecstasy at an experience's peak, then dissipate to waves of low energy, good-vibes calm in the afterglow.

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Totally - mapping the journey over time through this matrix feels super fruitful!

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Jul 4Liked by Olivia Vagelos

Very timely read for me, really appreciated the perspective I gained in reading this, I’ve never had someone frame intensity and energy in this way with regard to participatory experiences. In general I am finding what you are sharing to be incredibly insightful/affirming with regard to designing experiences and am loving the emails!

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Emotions and energy. I accidentally goofed there. 🙃

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